My Top 10 Baby Wish List
I am re posting this because I wanted to tag my good friends Susan L and Stephe
I was tagged by Wendy to create a list of the top 10 things I want for Sophie. I had to give this some thought but, I was able to come up with a pretty good list
so here it is
10. I definitely want a pretty white cotton dress for Sophie, maybe a size 12 to 18 months.
There is nothing prettier then a picture of an Asian girl with dark hair and dark skin in a white dress. I have seen so many photos like this taken at the beach and I just have to have one of Sophie. My friend Julie took a few beautiful pictures of her daughter Emma on a recent beach trip and they are stunning. Check out Julies blog's July 10th posting
9. I would like a Mei Tai. Wrap to carry Sophie in while we are in China. Our friend Melissa is very crafty and makes these beautiful baby carriers.
8. One Step ahead
has a GREAT Diaper Bag Back Pack that will be handy when we travel to China and even for years after when we travel. A must have :)
7.I love Mahar Drygoods and all of the products they have most especially the Donutswhich happen to be my weakness.
6. The Company Store has a GREAT line of lunch box's and back packs. I know it will be quite a while before Sophie will be using one of these but they are so darn cute that they are on my list.
5.BRITAX CAR SEATBritax Boulevard Car Seat... We have put off buying a car seat because of impending baby showers although we do not expect anyone to spend this kind of money. We thought that the longer we put it off the shorter we would have to store it and maybe they would have new deigns or models come out. So this is our One BIG purchase we have not done yet. But Britax are the best #1 in safety and durability, so that is what we will be purchasing before Sophie comes home. I love the colors of this pattern, very girly.
4.I think every baby needs a lovey One Step Ahead has these great new loveies called Pancake Security Blankets. They look so soft and cuddly, I think Sophie has to have one. :) I love them
3. These great travel and baby books are hand made and designed for families who travel to China to be united with their children. One of the things that we as adoptive parents don't get to do is have a nice baby book with all of the relevant info in it for adoption.
The traditional baby books just don't cut it because the pages all relate to when you were pregnant or when the child was born or even when the child was very young. These books are costumed designed to answer all those questions about your adopted child. I think they are beautiful and would love to have one as a nice keepsake for Sophie.
2. As much as I don't even want to think about Sophie ever hurting herself or ever feeling pain I know she will have her fair share of bumps and bruises. I have seen these cute Boo Boo Bears and even have a few friends that have them for their kids. I found this site that has cute pink puppy dogs.
I will have to get at least one of these if Sophie is anything like her father. I LOVE YOU honey :)
1.Every Girl needs some "BLING" There is not an Italian child out there who does not have "Baby Jewelry"(do not be mistaken Sophie will be Italian). I found this and think it is simple but, pretty.
This will be worn only in special photos and on special occasions. I plan to keep it for Sophie in a special keepsake box with a lock of her hair, her first tooth and these very pretty Baby Rosary Beads from Things Remembered.
Now I am going to tag Cheri. Put on your thinking cap Cheri it is not as easy as it sounds LOL. I can't wait to see your top ten
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